Nuts may be an exception to the rule that healthy foods don't taste nice. Nuts have long been advocated as a healthy approach to keeping your heart healthy, lowering your cholesterol, reducing inflammation, and acquiring various crucial minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. A recent Harvard study claims that eating one specific nut five times a week will help you live more than a year longer. Continue reading to find out which nut you should be eating a handful of at least a few times per week.
Walnuts can lengthen your life by more than a year if you eat five servings every week.
According to a study published in the journal Nutrients on August 4, you were eating a few handfuls of walnuts every week can help you live longer. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health discovered that consuming five or more walnuts per week (one serving equals one ounce) helped people live 1.3 years longer than those who did not consume walnuts.
Walnut consumption of five servings per week was also linked to a 14 percent lower risk of mortality from any cause and a 25% lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Even if you eat fewer walnuts, you might still reap the health benefits.
Don't worry if you don't enjoy
walnuts enough to consume five servings per week. According to Harvard
researchers, eating walnuts two to four times per week could bring significant
health benefits.
When compared to people who don't eat walnuts, eating them two to four times per week can result in a 13 percent lower risk of death, a 14 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular illnesses, and a one-year increase in life expectancy.
Walnuts are perfect for folks who don't eat healthily in general.
Walnuts are a terrific approach to start living a healthier lifestyle if your diet isn't in great shape. According to the Harvard study, persons with a poor diet who added half a serving of walnuts to their daily diet saw a 12 percent reduction in their risk of mortality and a 26 percent reduction in their chance of death from cardiovascular illnesses.
"What we've learned from this
study is that eating a few handfuls of walnuts a week can help people live
longer, even if their food quality isn't great, to begin with," said
Yanping Li, Ph.D., the study's lead researcher. "It's a practical tip that
everyone who wants to improve their health can use."]
Walnuts are high in minerals and antioxidants, which have a variety of health benefits.
One serving of walnuts has "a powerhouse of vital nutrients for maximum health, including protein (4g), fiber (2g), a decent supply of magnesium (45mg), and an exceptional source of the crucial omega-3 ALA (2.5g)," according to the Harvard researchers.
According to Healthline, walnuts
are also high in antioxidants, healthy for your digestion, help you lose
weight, and may even lower your cancer risk.
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